Were they even asking for amnesty? They didn't sound like they were asking for anything. They sounded like they were telling. Demanding. Threatening. …These were not the speeches of people who wanted to join American society but people who wanted their own turf on American soil -- in disregard and defiance of what American citizens want.
When people came here from Europe (and everywhere else- JHG), they came here to become Americans. There was no prouder title for them.
The underlying tragedy of the present situation is that it is doubtful whether the activist loudmouths, who were too contemptuous of this country to even speak its language while demanding its benefits, represent most immigrants from Mexico.
Both legal and illegal immigrants have come here primarily to work and make a better life for themselves and their families. But a country requires more than workers. It requires people who are citizens not only in name but in commitment.
In my opinion, Sowell hits the mark. The issue is not about immigration, but about assimilation. The source of the strident tone is the Anarcho-Communist A.N.S.W.E.R. and racist “La Raza” street organizers (Follow these links) and (this one) whose interest is Reconquista or at least destruction of the American State. Their tactic, as always, is to use the legitimate issues of normal working, living, breathing people – legal and illegal – as a wedge to destroy us, not to solve this problem.
The issues of the individual lives of these immigrants is a complicated one…truth wears many hats in this debate…and a lot of what’s said on all sides is true and contradictory. But one thing most agree on is that the individuals themselves are often fine people…decent, polite, “nice,” hardworking folks, like us in many ways….and they should be welcome. Some kind of welcome…call it “amnesty” or “guest worker” or whatever, is going to have to be arranged, for we need them, and they need us.
We’re all immigrants here, in a way, and America is ”the best” for it. It is not entirely true that they’re doing jobs American’s wont do; at a price, Americans will do many of them. Yet, America still needs these immigrants as she needed our forefathers, for there’s much to do to preserve and expand The Dream that you and I share with them.
BUT, the uncontrolled aspect of this, in times of international terror as a tool to kill us all, simply cannot be allowed. WE MUST TAKE CONTROL OF THE BORDERS, all of them.
I don’t give a damn whether this insults Vincente Fox, Hugo Chavez, Amnesty International, the U.N., the European Union, Cindy Sheehan, The Hollywood Traitors Guild, Harry Reid or the other rotten-to-the-core politicians who manipulate us for their benefit, or you.
I don’t care how it’s done, whether it’s a fence, a wall, a treaty, the U.S. Army, or armed bubba-vigilantes. Control must be established first, and then the welcome arranged.
Only then can our country be stabilized in the state of manageable social change that has made America the place where all these folks, and we, want to be.
What do you think? Leave a comment.
Right on brother...I know that is not very elaborate, but it is as simple as that!
great how do we convince our "leaders" to quit thinking like careful politicians and start behaving like fierce protectors of this country and the idea that made it possible...FREEDOM!!! of the things that history shows is that our "leaders" are mostly followers. A few prominent exceptions, but the run of the mill politician won't lead. Simply isn't in the mix.....we have to lead, ourselves, and when they follow, they can be the leaders. Lots of folks agree with this....I'm very disappointed at GWB for his lack of leadership, and willingness to defer to Vincente Fox, but he's getting the message now, and will lead from behind public opinion, in my estimation. Thanks for your comment.
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