Sunday, September 03, 2006


We're busy nowadays, having new grandchildren...seen here....but just to keep up the momentum in momentous times, I'll repost someone else's comments which I find useful. Here's a post from a Libertarian Kind Of blog, called Samizdata, that I like to read from time to time.

Where are the fauxtographs?
Thaddeus Tremayne (London)

If laid end to end, I wonder how far the column inches about the recent war in Lebanon would extend? Would they stretch right around the earth? Would they extend to the moon and back? Perhaps they would only reach as far as Sudan:

Two years ago, the then American Secretary of State, Colin Powell, said that the killings in Darfur constituted genocide.

Since then, the number of deaths through violence, starvation and disease in Sudan's western region has risen to at least 300,000, and of those displaced to about two million.

Despite the fact that genocide is a crime under international law, both the African Union and the United Nations have proved powerless to stop it.

Notwithstanding these horrifying statistics (which dwarf even the most overwrought claims about Lebanon), the response of the "world community" is very close to pin-drop silence. Apart from the occasional bloodless and anodyne article (such as the one linked to above) the MSM could not seem to care less. Where are the lurid photographs of dead Sudanese babies? Where are the demonstrations by "anti-war campaigners"? Where are the human shields? Where are the demands for a ceasefire? Where are the calls for a change of foreign policy? Where are the Nazi Germany comparisons? Where are the..ahem..'intrepid' Western reporters with cry-me-a-river expressions on their faces? Where are the Church groups organising boycotts?

The answer is the same in all cases and there are no prizes for getting it right. No, the real question is why? Why the ocean of indifference to a sustained programme of mass murder and ethnic cleansing that is, by modern standards (and perhaps by any standards) horrific? It seems that the plight of impoverished Africans is enough to precipitate an avalanche of rock concerts and celebrity blubbing while hundreds of thousands of murdered Africans causes not even the thinnest batsqueak of protest.

I am just speculating here, naturally, but could this conspiracy of silence have something to do with the fact that the perpetrators of this real atrocity are Arab Muslims? Depressingly enough, I think the answer is yes. If even the Telegraph article I have linked to above is too timid to actually identify the aggressors (preferring instead the safe and neutral term 'rebels') then claims of ignorance or laziness simply will not do. I don't imagine there would be quite this level of caginess if it was the Israelis who were laying waste to Darfur.

In my opinion, Darfur is kept off the radar screen because it is too embarrassing for the bien pensent. Having adopted the narrative of Arabs/Muslims as victims of oppression they are pretty much obliged to ignore or dismiss any evidence that might undermine that view (such is the mental paralysis induced by narrative). Besides, Africans living in the West seem disinclined to blow up airliners, so there is no need to waste precious air-time deliberating about the 'root causes' of their anger.

The horrors of Darfur cannot be excused by reference to Israeli or American 'occupation' and so it is locked away in the attic like a mad relative. Yes, it is ugly and unfair but at least we know for sure that there is not one single shred of decency or honesty in the entire (and preposterously misnamed) anti-war movement.


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