Wednesday, January 10, 2007


The Thing Speaks For Itself.

Our team is losing its verve and drive. The enemy puts up a strong defense, and we seem not to be able to put them away. They threaten with an occasional first down. The fans are restless. With widened eyes and loosened bowels, they cry "We're Lost...We're Lost...Omigod, I'll miss my ExtremeChocoDecafNofatLatte if I hear anymore of this, you know, bad shit...We're Lost."

The Coach sends in a new quarterback, and changes the playing strategy. We're now killing the bastards in Somalia, and Afghanistan, and in Iraq we're finally fighting back, hard... The Los Angeles Times reports:
In fierce, daylong fighting Tuesday, 1,000 American and Iraqi troops assisted by U.S. attack helicopters and warplanes battled gunmen in a Sunni Arab neighborhood of downtown Baghdad, killing at least 51 suspected militants, Iraqi officials said.

The offensive, which resulted in the heaviest fighting in the capital in months, came in response to a buildup of insurgents in the Haifa Street neighborhood next to the highly fortified Green Zone government complex. Sunni gunmen had erected fake checkpoints in recent days, residents said, in one case pulling passengers from a minibus, killing them and stringing their bodies from utility poles.
The Democrats scream "Quit. Quit. Quit." Opinion polls say more than half of all Americans agree.

How very sad for America.

The President talks to the Nation tonight. We're at a tipping point of history. Stay tuned, sports fans. But first, somebody, please...send out for panty-hose for the panty-waists our country.


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