Monday, February 05, 2007


There's really a lot of important stuff happening....and about to happen... but it's complicated and I'm not into thinking too much today....still, here's a subject that's too enticing not to pass on.

Our former Senator...a really prominent High MuckyMuck in the running again, this time for President. Leaving aside the partisan politics...Dem vs. Rep opinion of John Edwards is so low that it's cruel to discuss it. Hence, I've left it off this blog entirely....until today.

If you're gonna be a cool dude, you gotta have a blog. If you can't do it yourself, you hire yourself a blogger. They're out there for hire, and a lot of them are really smart, clever...worthy advocates and opposed to your standard mainstream "journalist" who graduated from a PC school in the lower third of his class. So, were you Mr. Edwards, you'd look for a really good person to be your official Voice on the Internet. Anybody would.

And how would you recognize such a person? You'd read the blogs and other writings, and it'd be clear to you. Anybody would.

Well, I hope that Edwards is only dumber than owl-shit, because if this is his idea of a Voice....well make up your own mind.

Meet Amanda Marcotte. This lady's Edwards' Blogmeister. His Voice. I guess she's writing in opposition to Conservatives hatred of women....worthy if it were true.

One thing I vow here and now–you motherfuckers who want to ban birth control will never sleep. I will fuck without making children day in and out and you will know it and you won’t be able to stop it. Toss and turn, you mean, jealous motherfuckers. I’m not going to be “punished” with babies. Which makes all your efforts a failure. Some non-procreating women escaped. So give up now. You’ll never catch all of us. Give up now.
Can it be that Mr.PrettyFace didn't even read this crap? Is the debate even about "birth control?" I thought the issue that's tearing us apart is abortion. Birth control? That was settled 50 years ago.

On another day she opined on Katrina's aftermath.
And as for the racist fucks behind this foot-dragging and lying and all those that support them, I hope that when you get to hell, after you’ve been greeted nicely by Satan and checked in by Ronald Reagan, your punishment is to be drowned over and over and over again until you fucking realize that suffering is suffering, no matter what race or class or ethnicity the people suffering are.
So did he not even read her potty-mouth stuff, or is the Real John Edwards standing up? No? He's that dumb? Yes...indeed I think he's really that dumb. He's a guy who made a fortune on other people's misfortunes by exploiting the fact that there are people dumber than him. He gives the term "lightweight" a bad name.

But he's clever...clever, and he's a serious threat...not because he's a Dem, but because he's a dolt.


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