Friday, April 28, 2006


The New York Sun reports:

As the U.N. Security Council prepares to receive a critical report on Iran's illicit nuclear program on Friday, the mullah regime has taken delivery of missile technology that can extend the range of its warheads to reach most of Europe, as well as parts of Russia and China, an Israeli intelligence official said Thursday.

The chief of the Israeli army's military intelligence unit, Brigadier General Amos Yadlin, said Iran has already received the first shipment of surface-to-surface missiles that were purchased as part of a comprehensive deal with North Korea. The range of the BM-25 Korean missiles is 1,550 miles, and they are capable of carrying nuclear warheads, according to Ha'aretz, which first reported on General Yadlin's warning.

The Security Council is awaiting the arrival of a report ...(Now that's a really scary thing to do.- JG)

"What we do know about Iran's ballistic missiles program is they have been working very hard with North Korea and others to extend their range and accuracy, and that's a concern," the American ambassador to the United Nations, John Bolton, told The New York Sun.

...the council is scheduled to begin deliberating on the matter...."In order to be credible, the Security Council, of course, has to act," Secretary of State Rice said yesterday... (No shit, Sherlock...fat chance, and if they do...then what? "Oil for Food?" - JG)

Israel has said it will open its installation to international inspection once all the countries in the region sign a peace treaty with the Jewish state and end their threat against it. Mr. Ahmadinejad has announced his intention of wiping Israel "off the map."

Wednesday, April 26, 2006


One of the most interesting things about the blogosphere is that it proves the existence of vitality among us in places we've never been able to see fellow citizens of virtually every the millions. Remember this when you're told that Americans are intellectually shallow, hollow, immature and gauche. Oh, yes, there's plenty of that, but look through The Blogs to see some brilliant analysis, excellent writing and authentic knowledge.

Today I ran across a blog from a guy in the Seattle area, a place where we lived for five years in another lifetime, and which we still remember fondly. He writes about a contemporary literary event in Seattle.

Are we going to win the war on terror by talking our way out of it or by shooting our way out of it? Jonathan Raban, a well-known British writer who lives in Seattle, thinks we can talk our way out of it. Celebrating the launch of his new book, My Holy War, Raban is being lionized in Seattle with public readings, a cover article in the Seattle Weekly proclaiming him the best writer in Seattle...

For Raban the jihad terrorists are confused young men in the grip of a cultish vision of religious superiority. He reminds us that many of the jihad killers are educated and well-traveled. They read and understand computers. And their religious fanaticism is not foreign to Christendom and the west, not by any means. All we have to do is rattle around in our historical memory, summon up the crusades or examine our own strains of religious fervor. Voila! We will be able to connect to the jihadists and maybe even talk them down from their suicide perches. If host countries would only relax, step back and observe that these are wonderful intellectual sensitive boys – some of whom have read T.S. Eliot – boys who have taken a wrong turn – we could dissolve the war on terror without bombs and bullets.

At first glance this seems to be putting forward a case for some kind of pre-mortem compassion for the jihad murderers. But think about what he is saying. How generous of Raban to invite us to forgive acts of unsurpassed viciousness suffered by others. How noble of Raban to ask us to commiserate with fascist murderers as "human beings" when they themselves have worked so hard to scour humanity from their souls. As if the finalizing act of mass murder were not a final statement but one more conversational gambit among many. In assigning free and open societies the task of reaching out to murderers, Raban passively accuses them of not really being free and open; the truly open-minded embrace their own extinction.

When young men turn themselves into bombs they forfeit the privilege of having their root causes examined by victims of their fury. The young murderers have already abandoned their own root causes literally, in every way. To even speak of causes requires a community that values the discussion of those causes along with their diagnosis and proposed solutions. Mass slaughter is simply not in the equation. Mass slaughter is a forfeiture of everything the civilized community builds around a potential cause and its solution. To preserve a world in which causes can thrive sometimes you must put down your root-digging spade and take up a rifle.

When was the last time you saw that kind of writing in your local newspaper? Have a look at this guy's blog and decide for yourself.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006


href="">Michelle Malkin's blog attends to a controversy at an American University

Her post illustrates the way
we're losing the traditions of free inquiry and speech in The Academy of our America. At times, the University Administration is so paralyzed that it pre-emptively surrenders, as in the case of the University of North Carolina, where an admitted terrorist's attack on its students has not to this writing been acknowledged as such.

In Malkin's example, Muslims on a U.S. campus self-proclaim victimhood and protest... anything. Then when someone counters, they cry racism or other form of discrimination, and demand special protection under the same American traditions which they're willing next to destroy, and which don't exist in any Muslim country.

The university investigates the responder who becomes a defendent, but not the Muslim claims...and usually, though not always censors the responder's speech, or as in last week at Penn State, an art exhibit...or if it's a student who responds, with some penalty or required sensitivity training or other balderdash.

I forgive the spelling errors. The poor man's not only an infidel, but an engineer ("Yestidiy I cudn't spell inginear, now I are one"). With that indulgence, here's his response.

Dear Moslem Association: As a professor of Mechanical Engineering here at MSU I intened to protest your protest.

I am offended not by cartoons, but by more mundane things like beheadings of civilians, cowardly attacks on public buildings, suicide murders, murders of Catholic priests (the latest in Turkey!), burnings of Christian chirches, the continued persecution of Coptic Christians in Egypt, the imposition of Sharia law on non-Muslims, the rapes of Scandinavain girls and women (called "whores" in your culture), the murder of film directors in Holland, and the rioting and looting in Paris France.

This is what offends me, a soft-spoken person and academic, and many, many, many of my colleagues. I counsul you dissatisfied, agressive, brutal, and uncivilized slave-trading Moslems to be very aware of this as you proceed with your infantile "protests."

If you do not like the values of the West -- see the 1st Ammendment -- you are free to leave. I hope for God's sake that most of you choose that option. Please return to your ancestral homelands and build them up yourselves instead of troubling Americans.

Cordially, I. S. Wichman, Professor of Mechanical Engineering

Read the entire piece.and follow her links....she's spot on. And she includes some reminders of what this is all about. The pictures are not (yet) from an American university. They're from the streets of London. That's far away. So don't worry, be happy,

Sunday, April 23, 2006

The immigration debate is about balance of needs

The immigration debate is about a balance of economic and humanitarian needs...the U.S. needs for labor, the Mexican needs for "jobs." The vitriol and bile and hatred that has become governance in the past six years only adds a bitter flavor to the stew. Then, just when you think you've heard all the points of view and are tiring of all the talk....along comes a data point. Difficult stuff, data; when everyone else is ranting and carrying on, it just shows up, and changes the debate.

It turns out there's another Mexican need which is aligned with our need to control the flood of illegals to the U.S. They need themselves. They need their men to build their own lives at home. They need their own middle class, and lost in the rancor is this plea. It was sent to a U.S. blogger by email. He discusses it source and reliability, and concludes it is genuine.
Read all that for yourself, and decide what you think.
Dear friends in the United States....

We are Mexican women from villages in the southern Mexico state of Guerrero.

Our brothers and husbands have left us for work in the US.

We strongly support closing the US-Mexico border to illegal entry.

We did not want our men to leave and we want them to return to us.

As we struggle as women, against the difficulty of our situation, we focus all effort on building a business to sustain ourselves and our children.

But we need the help of our husbands and our brothers to re-unite our families and to help us develop economic opportunity in the traditional fashion jewelry production industry that is the heritage of our parents.

Please close the US Border to illegal migration and send our men home to us. Thank you.

Best wishes from Mexico to all persons of good will.

We should continue to be friends and respect each other.


Eusebia Flores
Artcamp Artesanas Campesinas
Tecalpulco, Municipio de Taxco de Alarcon; Guerrero, Mexico

Captains Quarters concludes by saying: This should remind us that the draw of the illicit money offered by American businesses to the poor workers of Mexico and Central America not only takes potential work away from Americans and legal immigrants but also creates a cultural and productivity drain from those areas abandoned by the able men who cross the border. It has the potential to cause social damage for generations in Mexico and other nations. The businesses who offer the work for the men and women draw them from the opportunity to improve their own communities. The men who leave often do so for years, leaving the women behind to fend for themselves and their children.

Here's a point that's not been heard before....a humanitarian need to close the border to illegal immigration. We should do this on behalf of those whose wrecked society is made worse by failure to stop their hemorrhage, enabled by political classes, theirs and ours, unwilling to do their job.

I hadn't thought of this. Had you?

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Islamic “free speech” in support of murder is peachy keen and constitutionally protected

Look at the video, which is found here,...look on the upper right side of the site, and open the Pro Suicide-Bombing Rally site.

An American kid in L.A. can’t wear an American Flag on his t-shirt to school but Islamic “free speech” in support of murder is peachy keen and constitutionally protected.

This occurred in support of the killings in Tel Aviv by Islamic Jihad…….this demonstration, only a few people that’s true, is allowed on the streets of N.Y. City.

Here’s a translation of “free” speech for these guests of the United States.

The Queens-based Islamic Thinkers Society (ITS) held a rally yesterday outside of the Israeli Consulate in Manhattan. Members of the Islamic Thinkers Society are easily identified by their Khilafah flags and provocative signs as well as rhetoric against homosexuals, Jews, Christians, Danes and others, depending on the hot button issue at the moment. Yesterday's rally was held in response to Monday’s Tel Aviv bombing that killed 9 and injured scores. While carrying signs including “Islam will Dominate” with a picture of an Islamic flag over the White House, the small but loud group of men chanted threatening slogans (video of the rally will be posted on the Counterterrorism Blog soon):


Leader (in Arabic): With our blood and our lives we will liberate al Aqsa!
[The rest also respond in Arabic:] With our blood and our lives we will liberate al Aqsa!
Israeli Zionists What do you say? The real Holocaust is on its way
Response: Allahu Akbar!
Response: Allahu Akbar!
Israeli Zionists, What do you say?
How many women have you raped today?
Israeli Zionists, What do you say?
How many children have you killed today?
Zionists, Zionists You will pay! The Wrath of Allah is on its way!
Israeli Zionists You shall pay! The Wrath of Allah is on its way!
The mushroom cloud is on its way! The real Holocaust is on its way!
We are not your average Muslims, We are the Muslims of Was al Sunnah
We will not accept the United Nations, they are the criminals themselves
They get paid by the Israeli and the US government to do their job.
We don’t recognize United Nations as a body
We only recognize Allah
Israel won’t last long… Indeed, Allah will repeat the Holocaust right on the soil of Israel
Response: Allahu Akbar!
* * *
No wonder they call you sons of apes and pigs because that’s what you are.
We know many government services are watching us
Such as the FBI…CIA…Mossad, Homeland Security…
We know we are getting on their nerves
And so are you….
So we say the hell with you!
May the FBI burn in Hell
CIA burn in Hell
Mossad burn in Hell
Homeland Security burn in hell!!
Islam will dominate the world
Islam is the only solution
Islam will dominate the world
Islam is the only solution
La ilaha il Allah, Muhammad-ur Rasool Allah
* * *
Another mushroom cloud, right in the midst of Israel!
Takbeer!! Allahu Akbar!

Substitute “nigger” or “queer” for FBI…CIA…Mossad, Homeland Security, Zionist, whatever else this guy’s shouting about and ask how long it would have been before these scummy bastards were trotted off to a holding tank in some jail.

These guys are protected….they’re far more dangerous than a dumb racist slur, or a t-shirt…and they're protected while an American’s “free”, perhaps boorish, speech is not.

I wonder how long the American people are going to allow this shit to go on….how long they'll tolerate “the authorities” permitting this on the streets of the City Of 9/11.

Lots of folks bitch about the "unfairness" of it all, but one of these days, they're going to start doing something about it.

Think about that for a minute. Who'll stop them? We've got Minute Men on the border...soon they'll be on the streets, too. Picture the NYC Police clubbing a crowd trying to take these bastards out. And then what? Will it be over then? Not likely.

Unless we come to our senses and defend our America, we're going to see serious civil unrest in response to our "leaders" begging the issues that are not going away.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

THIS BLOG IS TOO SERIOUS... A laugh or two won't hurt.

Victoria's Secret

Except that the Mullahs will stone me to death, or cut off my whatever if they find out I'm publishing this and laughing at them. Don't want to "humiliate" the poor dears, now, do we?

So here, l'il darlin's, take two and don't call me in the morning.

Sad as it is.............Read all about it!


The Iranian Crisis builds and the stakes get higher every day. President Bush refused to rule out a nuclear attack saying that "everything is on the table," and even the Russians are claiming publicly that Iran must give up its uranium enrichment program. Nobody claims to know how to enforce that demand, since the progress they've made thus far was done while they were lying about it, they admit, 'lo these many years.

Two opposed but more thoughtful positions are summarized here: Follow the links to the original, and read the whole of each argument.

Edward Luttwack:
1) Iranians are our once and future allies. Except for a narrow segment of extremists, they do not view themselves as enemies of the United States, but rather as the exact opposite . . They must not be made to feel that they were attacked by the very country they most admire, where so many of their own relatives and friends have so greatly prospered, and with which they wish to restore the best of relations.

(2) In essence, we should not bomb Iran because the worst of its leaders positively want to be bombed—and are doing their level best to bring that about. . . The clerics’ frantic extremism reflects a sense of insecurity that is fully justified, given the bitter hostility with which they are viewed by most of the population at large. In a transparent political maneuver, Ahmadinejad tries to elicit nationalist support at home by provoking hostile reactions abroad.

(3) The effort to build nuclear weapons started more than three decades ago, yet the regime is still years away from producing a bomb.

Mark Steyn, in the Wall Street Journal:
Perhaps it's unduly pessimistic to write the civilized world automatically into what Osama bin Laden called the "weak horse" role (Islam being the "strong horse"). But, if you were an Iranian "moderate" and you'd watched the West's reaction to the embassy seizure and the Rushdie murders and Hezbollah terrorism, wouldn't you be thinking along those lines? I don't suppose Buenos Aires Jews expect to have their institutions nuked any more than 12 years ago they expected to be blown up in their own city by Iranian-backed suicide bombers. Nukes have gone freelance, and there's nothing much we can do about that, and sooner or later we'll see the consequences--in Vancouver or Rotterdam, Glasgow or Atlanta. But, that being so, we owe it to ourselves to take the minimal precautionary step of ending the one regime whose political establishment is explicitly pledged to the nuclear annihilation of neighboring states.

Once again, we face a choice between bad and worse options. There can be no "surgical" strike in any meaningful sense: Iran's clients on the ground will retaliate in Iraq, Lebanon, Israel and Europe. Nor should we put much stock in the country's allegedly "pro-American" youth. This shouldn't be a touchy-feely nation-building exercise: rehabilitation may be a bonus, but the primary objective should be punishment--and incarceration. It's up to the Iranian people how nutty a government they want to live with, but extraterritorial nuttiness has to be shown not to pay. That means swift, massive, devastating force that decapitates the regime--but no occupation.
I've had several good Iranian friends over the years whom I admired as persons, and I've had other dealings with Iranians whom I felt were straightforward and fair. Luttwack's first point resonates with me. I yield to no man in my willingness to fight or to kill the enemies of America, but I do not think those Iranians of whom I speak are our enemies. I don't want them to think of us as their enemy. I wish not to harm them or their families at home.

It's obvious to me that our Administration's position is to split the difference; to keep the heat on, to threaten and cajole, while waiting to see if others add to the pressure, and hoping it will suffice....that the nutcases who run their show will blink...or that the decent people will somehow act rationally.

The ONLY way a "split the difference" strategy can work is for the Iranians to believe us. That requires that we be unified as a people and as a government in our intent and in support of the Administration's effort to walk this tightrope. If it works, it saves the world. If it fails, sometime down the line there lies catastrophe.

Perhaps there is another strategy that the Democrats can propose. One they claim is that we should not "outsource our diplomacy." I think they mean we should "talk" to the Iranians, directly. Alone. One on one. This is a strange position for those who screamed that we didn't include our "European Allies" in the Iraq Pre-War machinations. (They know better of course...we did, for eleven months, but they betrayed Colin Powell.)

Talk about what? Negotiations mean threats if negotiations fail. Do the Democrats propose to make the same threat as the President...everything's on the table, including nuclear war? Some other threat? The U.N.? What y'all been smokin"? The U.N. is paralyzed, corrupt, and cannot DO anything.

Does anybody believe that the Democrat members of the government...and their BMs will unite with the Administration on this? On anything? To believe that is to think that there's something that they believe in beyond Political Power for themselves. To believe that is to disbelieve everything we've heard for the past six years. To suspend belief in belief at all.

So what's their alternative? Don't know. Get rid of Chimpybushhitler and Rummy. That's a plan. Fook'em, the treaonous bastards.

Personally, I don't believe we can accept the timelines inherent in Luttwack's third point. There's no reason to think that the slow pace of the Iranians' beginning can be projected into the future. After we got through the basics, we invented the atomic bomb and used it in just a few years. Waiting for the sake of hope alone simply isn't prudent, which is Steyn's point, of course.

Of the two positions discussed today, Steyn wins, but it's going to be a while before it's clear that's the only choice.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006


Few American opinions have greater standing with me than those of Thomas Sowell,who writes on the massive demonstrations we saw last week.

Were they even asking for amnesty? They didn't sound like they were asking for anything. They sounded like they were telling. Demanding. Threatening. …These were not the speeches of people who wanted to join American society but people who wanted their own turf on American soil -- in disregard and defiance of what American citizens want.

When people came here from Europe (and everywhere else- JHG), they came here to become Americans. There was no prouder title for them.

The underlying tragedy of the present situation is that it is doubtful whether the activist loudmouths, who were too contemptuous of this country to even speak its language while demanding its benefits, represent most immigrants from Mexico.

Both legal and illegal immigrants have come here primarily to work and make a better life for themselves and their families. But a country requires more than workers. It requires people who are citizens not only in name but in commitment.

In my opinion, Sowell hits the mark. The issue is not about immigration, but about assimilation. The source of the strident tone is the Anarcho-Communist A.N.S.W.E.R. and racist “La Raza” street organizers (Follow these links) and (this one) whose interest is Reconquista or at least destruction of the American State. Their tactic, as always, is to use the legitimate issues of normal working, living, breathing people – legal and illegal – as a wedge to destroy us, not to solve this problem.

The issues of the individual lives of these immigrants is a complicated one…truth wears many hats in this debate…and a lot of what’s said on all sides is true and contradictory. But one thing most agree on is that the individuals themselves are often fine people…decent, polite, “nice,” hardworking folks, like us in many ways….and they should be welcome. Some kind of welcome…call it “amnesty” or “guest worker” or whatever, is going to have to be arranged, for we need them, and they need us.

We’re all immigrants here, in a way, and America is ”the best” for it. It is not entirely true that they’re doing jobs American’s wont do; at a price, Americans will do many of them. Yet, America still needs these immigrants as she needed our forefathers, for there’s much to do to preserve and expand The Dream that you and I share with them.

BUT, the uncontrolled aspect of this, in times of international terror as a tool to kill us all, simply cannot be allowed. WE MUST TAKE CONTROL OF THE BORDERS, all of them.

I don’t give a damn whether this insults Vincente Fox, Hugo Chavez, Amnesty International, the U.N., the European Union, Cindy Sheehan, The Hollywood Traitors Guild, Harry Reid or the other rotten-to-the-core politicians who manipulate us for their benefit, or you.

I don’t care how it’s done, whether it’s a fence, a wall, a treaty, the U.S. Army, or armed bubba-vigilantes. Control must be established first, and then the welcome arranged.

Only then can our country be stabilized in the state of manageable social change that has made America the place where all these folks, and we, want to be.

What do you think? Leave a comment.

Monday, April 17, 2006


There are so many things to talk little time...but as you can see, I'm introducing ideas and themes at the beginning. While the politics are dicey, the War in Iraq has been won militarily, and soon we'll see the outcome, good and bad. But I suspect that no long term issue is of more immediate concernin to the U.S. than the question of Iran and the likely fact of their obtaining nuclear weapons.

So what?, asks a friend...the Paks have 'em, the Russians and Chinese have 'em....the North Koreans have 'em, they say...they're all over the place and the world hasn't come apart, yet.

The obvious answer is that in each of the other cases there's a real world inhibition against their use, and that has proved so far effective enough. But in the case of Iran, the marriage of nationalism, Islamism, and a just plain fookin' nutcase President who states openly that he's out to destroy Israel, well it's just different from the others, and much worse. It seems that point is one that everyone says they agree on. So what's to be done?

The blogosphere is full of discussions....all kinds, from all kinds of "experts." One of the better discussions was in a symposium from the Claremont Institute. I suggest you read it all, but my take is that the answer is: Nothing.

Nothing is going to be done. Nobody has the "balls" to do what is required, and half measures won't work. Codevilla reminds us that "Machiavelli taught that enemies are to be caressed or extinguished." Yet it seems that the contemporary answers converge on the forlorn hope that the Iranian people will do something. So until the destruction of Israel or attacks on U.S. or European interests are literally imminent, nothing is going to be done, while in the meantime, the Islamofacists in Iran and elsewhere will hunker down, cheat and retreat, and wait out George Bush's America, hoping for a pliable Democrat (is there any other kind?) in 2008. Then all Hell will literally break out.

What I predict will be done in the interim is that we'll define the problem "down" as less than it seems, and try to get comfortable with impending doom, while talking, negotiating with ourselves, alternately appeasing and threatening, and making faces, and hoping we don't shit our pants when the bill comes due, as it will.

Victor Davis Hansen made this observation:
Former President Bill Clinton last year apologized to the Iranian mullocracy for American support for the Shah 30 years ago and CIA espionage a half century past, but not to the American people for allowing Pakistan, Iran, and North Korea to begin in earnest their nuclear acquisition programs on his watch. Jimmy Carter should turn up soon, calling for sensitive understanding of Iran's unique security needs; indeed, the closer Iran gets to the bomb, the more the Left will say that we can live with it.
I think that's about right...understand that I come by my scepticism honestly, as we've been through this before. Jimma Cartah, that fatuous, self-absorbed, meddling, whining Worst Ex-President Ever, had a chance to deal with the Mullahs on his watch, but instead chose to cut and run when a pitiful attempt with but eight helicopters failed in the Iranian desert. Better to deal with his Attack Rabbit than serve up to the people of the U.S. and the world a ration of courage.

We're paying that price now, and have been paying it for many years. Those payments are chickenfeed compared to what we'll pay tomorrow.

Leave Comments by clicking on Comments, below.


At the beginning of these screeds, I do need to define some terms. I've cleared the air about hanging traitors, and now we need to define Barking Moonbats , theBMs.

These people are real. Impossible as it is to imagine, not only are they real, but thousands read their blogs, and even the Mainstream Democrats write along side them. The Washington Post this week, profiled one woman, and these exerpts say it all. Read the whole thing.

In the angry life of Maryscott O'Connor, the rage begins as soon as she opens her eyes and realizes that her president is still George W. Bush. The sun has yet to rise and her family is asleep, but no matter; as soon as the realization kicks in, O'Connor, 37, is out of bed and heading toward her computer.

Out there, awaiting her building fury: the Angry Left, where O'Connor's reputation is as one of the angriest of all. "One long, sustained scream" is how she describes the writing she does for various Web logs, as she wonders what she should scream about this day.

She smokes a cigarette. Should it be about Bush, whom she considers "malevolent," a "sociopath" and "the Antichrist"? She smokes another cigarette. Should it be about Vice President Cheney, whom she thinks of as "Satan," or about Karl Rove, "the devil"? Should it be about the "evil" Republican Party, or the "weaselly, capitulating, self-aggrandizing, self-serving" Democrats, or the Catholic Church, for which she says "I have a special place in my heart . . . a burning, sizzling, putrescent place where the guilty suffer the tortures of the damned"?

"I was not like this before," she says. "I was riddled with empathy for everyone suffering in the world. Classic bleeding-heart liberal."
Before: She signed petitions. She boycotted veal. She canvassed for Greenpeace. She donated to Planned Parenthood. She read the Nation, the New Yorker, the Utne Reader and Mother Jones. She agonized over low wages for overseas workers every time she bought a $40 leather purse.

Then George W. Bush was elected. Then came 9/11, Afghanistan, Iraq, Guantanamo Bay, Abu Ghraib, the Patriot Act, secret prisons, domestic eavesdropping, the revamping of the Supreme Court, and the thought "It has come to the point where the worst people on Earth are running the Earth." And now, "I have become one of those people with all the bumper stickers on their car," she says. "I am this close to being one of those muttering people pushing a cart.

"I'm insane with rage and grief."

These people would be objects of pity were it not that the Mainstream of the Democrats are hardly distinguishable from them. Michael Moore would understand this woman. And Jimmy Carter would. Al Gore writes for The Daily Kos, where this woman started. Does anyone think Howard Dean would disagree with her characterization of The President of the United States, elected twice, by nearly sixty million voters?

If this is what the Democrat Party has become, imagine the future if they're returned to power.


This is the first post of what will likely be a string of passionate, patriotic screeds...considered vitriolic by the Barking Moonbats (hereinafter labeled the BMs) of the Lunatic Left. They already consider people like me to be rabid animals, and considering what I'd do to them were I Czar for a year, that's not a bad approximation.

Still, reality exists independently, and as proof, I commend for your consideration a new blog-based Community of the Left, one that would offer hope for real dialogue and problem solving, were it possible to overcome the hatred and furious anger of the BMs. I disagree with a lot of what they say, but there's room for discussion, and from that, perhaps, resolution of the bitterness that comprises politics nowadays.

These folks call their new website The Euston Manifesto, and claim to be "of a new democratic progressive alliance." It appears that it is a group of English libertarian/democrat intellectuals, but with whom they are allied remains a mystery.

Some Excerpts:
We are democrats and progressives. We propose here a fresh political alignment. Many of us belong to the Left, but the principles that we set out are not exclusive. We reach out, rather, beyond the socialist Left towards egalitarian liberals and others of unambiguous democratic commitment. Indeed, the reconfiguration of progressive opinion that we aim for involves drawing a line between the forces of the Left that remain true to its authentic values, and currents that have lately shown themselves rather too flexible about these values. It involves making common cause with genuine democrats, whether socialist or not.

It is vitally important for the future of progressive politics that people of liberal, egalitarian and internationalist outlook should now speak clearly. We must define ourselves against those for whom the entire progressive-democratic agenda has been subordinated to a blanket and simplistic "anti-imperialism" and/or hostility to the current US administration. The values and goals which properly make up that agenda — the values of democracy, human rights, the continuing battle against unjustified privilege and power, solidarity with peoples fighting against tyranny and oppression — are what most enduringly define the shape of any Left worth belonging to.
They claim to stand for among others, democracy, no apology for tyranny, human rights for all, development for freedom, opposing anti-Americanism, freedom of ideas, and against racism, and terror.

Why it sounds positively peachy.
I suspect that Chimpybushhitler would agree with much of it, and even Jerry Greenhoot might (after discussion and resolution of some issues). In fact, the single most important point they make is that they reject:
without qualification the anti-Americanism now infecting so much left-liberal (and some conservative) thinking. This is not a case of seeing the US as a model society. We are aware of its problems and failings. But these are shared in some degree with all of the developed world. The United States of America is a great country and nation. It is the home of a strong democracy with a noble tradition behind it and lasting constitutional and social achievements to its name. Its peoples have produced a vibrant culture that is the pleasure, the source-book and the envy of millions. That US foreign policy has often opposed progressive movements and governments and supported regressive and authoritarian ones does not justify generalized prejudice against either the country or its people.
This alone sets them aside from the Democrat Party's Lunatics and BMs, and commands that I state publicly: I do not believe that ALL left leaning intellectuals are cowards and traitors who in a just world would be hanged by the neck until dead.


With that housekeeping detail taken care of, let the games begin.