Sunday, December 03, 2006


The Iraq War is but a battle in WW4…and it must be understood as that….by everyone, including the President of the U.S.

My reading of history shows that any society or group that has both the will and the means to destroy its neighbors will do so. We have the means, but not the will. The Islamists who’re winning now have the will, but not YET the means. When they acquire the means, the world as we know it is done for.

To understand that we do not inhabit the same moral universe as does our enemy, just look at this selection from MEMRI. Follow the link and click on "View Clip" When these people gain the means to destroy us, coexistence will be impossible. We've not seen this kind of adversary in American history, ever.

That’s why we fight in Iraq….to prevent them from acquiring the means….and that needs to be made clear to everyone in this country. There is no time to waste. In a mere twelve years from Hitler’s rise to power in Germany to the end of WW2, 40-50 million people were killed, and much of Europe was destroyed. Our people need to understand that this can happen in a few years to anyone….including us….and that given an intractable and unreasoning enemy, precluding such a fate means we must fight for ourselves and for our civilization. This war is not about “oil” or “democracy” or religion…it’s about survival and human nature.

We cannot accept being defeated in Iraq; not now; not later. We must prevail, and the extension of Bush Doctrine must succeed. Today's reality is the result of decades of other realities. History does not run backward. We cannot reverse the unfortunate policies of the past. Yesterday's status quo, and the “reality” of the past forty years yielded the continued Islamization of Europe, and much of Asia, and if unopposed in the future will result in the gradual destruction of the U.S. as a locus of resistance, 9/11 will be seen as only a detail in that eventuality. That’s what Bin Laden knows, and that’s his contribution to History.

As for the way out, there are three possibilities….#1, a new order in the Middle East will gradually reform that area and defuse the results of the past mistakes, …OR,#2, the past will continue into the future as described above, and in Mark Steyn’s writings…this is the “We are doomed option”…OR, #3, we will fight and destroy our enemies in a conflagration that will mean bloodshed beyond anything we’ve we've previously accepted within the Civilized World. So far as I can see, there are variations of these scenarios, but the themes are only those three.

The Bush attempt at #1 is in jeopardy and “stay the course” isn’t working, and won’t, if it means keep the same heading. Maintaining the course may require changing the heading, but of the three options, it’s clearly the best. If we reject this option, only #3 remains, as option #2 is suicide. I’m not there yet. Let’s try to rescue The Bush Doctrine, and resurrect #1.

A plan:

Announce to the world that there’s no way we’re leaving this fight. We'll fight alone if necessary, but we’re fighting. If we lose, you, the “world,” will go with us, for you have neither will nor means. If we win alone, you, “world,” will suck the hind teat for the rest of history, because if we’re on our own, you’re on your own. Make a clear and present demonstration of this by bringing troops home from Germany and Korea, tomorrow.

Announce to the Iraqis that we have given you a chance at a new life for yourselves and your country. If you don’t take it, we’re not your daddy, and you can go to Hell any way you want. A quadrillion suicide bombings is as good a way as any other. Those of you who want us, and who will control your own destiny in ways that we can support will continue to get that support.

Start with moving our forces into Kurdish Northern Iraq, telling the Turks that the price they've paid for their non support is that we’re going to help those Kurds who want us, and who’ve already built a place within Iraq that looks a lot like normal life in most parts of the world. Energized and protected, the Kurds will also be a serious problem for the Iranians, who have their own Kurdish problem, and that will have both short and long term benefits to us.

Announce to the “world,” to the Iraqis, the Iranians and to the Syrians that we’re there to protect our own interests, and we don’t actually care whether or not they have “democracy” or even if they remain alive at all. Make that clear by surrounding "Mookie and the Mahdis", where ever they are found, and destroying them utterly, as we should have already done….without mercy, and without consideration of collateral damage. We’ve tried that consideration as military doctrine, and it’s been found useless. Those Iraqis who assume and earn mercy from us need to get on our boat, which is leaving the dock right now. As for the others, war is Hell. It’s about time we sent THEM to it. Demonstration of both our will and our capacity may make the next stages easier, but both need to be made clear to everyone.

After a brief time for reconstitution of our forces….R & R, resupply…and after adding MORE troops and materials...we start moving ‘em out….take on Syria first, from Iraqi bases and by Naval forces in the Mediterranean. This decompresses Lebanon, and gives the Lebanese a chance to take back their own country, prevents resupply of Hezbollah, and gives the Israelis a chance to make peace in the North. An enclave on the Syrian coast gives us a base on the Mediterranean from which to re-supply and fight the Iranians.

They’re saved for last, for by then, it may be clear to the Iranian people that the Mullahs will go down in a sea of blood, and that the best thing for Iran is to revolt against them….saving lives and even precluding the final stage of this battle in what is clearly WW4, whether or not we’re fighting it. We don't need to stay forever, just long enough to cripple our enemies, and then retire to defensible bases from which to keep a boot on their necks for the intermediate term. Long term, the indigenous people will have to take care of themselves, but by then, perhaps they'll be able to do so.

The outcome, if it works, will be salutary, and the rest of the world can get on fighting their local Islamists themselves. If it doesn’t work, the result will be the same as #2, above, or #3, Either way life won’t be worth living till another Renaissance follows the New Dark Ages.

To some, this may seem like kicking into a bag of shit. Perhaps, but this bag has been filling for decades while we were being attacked all over the world, and not fighting back. It was filled by the "realists" and our "friends the Saudis" and our enemies, but it was kicked over on 9/11. We're slogging in it already.

So, let’s fight. Mobilize our people by telling the truth, and fight. Now is as good a time as ever. Our enemy gets stronger and more numerous with time, and the Fifth Column here at home weakens us further. Time is not on our side, so fight now. Fight hard. Fight to win. At stake is everything in our world.


Blogger Kerry said...


7:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The wonderful thing about fiction is that the fictionist can make it do whatever he likes. That's how it differs from reality. This war is not lost on the battlefields of Iraq but in the homes of America in a time that echoes Lincoln's truism that "a house divided against itself cannot stand." We are not witnessing Armageddon but the whimpering of victimhood by a culture on its way out. The strong usually push out the weak. That's how we got here, and that's how our successors will get here.

7:08 PM  

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